The 19th General Assembly will elect twenty members of the Board by secret ballot for a term of three years (2017-2020), and from those will elect a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer, and five Vice Presidents.

The nominations received by the ICOMOS International Secretariat six months before the General Assembly are now available: 

Président / President
Toshiyuki Kono (Japon / Japan)

Secrétaire général / Secretary General
Peter Phillips (Australie / Australia)

Trésorier général / Treasurer General
Laura Robinson (Afrique du sud / South Africa)

Vice Présidents / Vice President
Leonardo Castriota (Brésil / Brasil)
Alpha Diop (Mali)

Pamela Jerome (Etats Unis d'Amérique / USA)
Rohit Jigyasu (Inde / India)
Pietro Laureano (Italie / Italy)
Grellan Rourke (Irlande / Ireland)
Mario Santana Quintero (Canada)
Boguslaw Szmygin (Pologne / Poland)

Conseil d'administration / Board
Nils Ahlberg (Suède / Sweden)
Riin Alatalu (Estonie / Estonia)
Adriana Careaga (Uruguay)
Zeynep Gül Ünal (Turquie / Turkey)
Suk Young Han (Corée / Korea)
Jörg Haspel (Allemagne / Germany)
Jiang Bo (Chine / China)
Elena Korka (Grèce / Greece)
Alberto Martorell (Pérou / Peru)
Teresa Patricio (Belgique / Belgium)
Nancy Pollock-Ellwand (Canada)
Clara Rellensmann (Allemagne / Germany)
Lazar Shumanov (Macédoine du nord / North Macedonia)
Jean-Christophe Simon (France)

Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun (Thaïlande / Thailand)


All nominations must be received no later than 60 days before the election is due to be held,
that is at the latest by 15 October 2017.

The final list of candidatures will be published after verification by the Candidatures Committee, and posted at the General Assembly venue before the ballot.