The 19th General Assembly will elect twenty members of the Board by secret ballot for a term of three years (2017-2020), and from those will elect a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer, and five Vice Presidents.

The nominations received by the ICOMOS International Secretariat six months before the General Assembly are now available: 

Voting rights are based on the number of paid-up members per Committee at 31/12/2016 - a table has been sent to the National Committee Presidents showing the votes attributed to each National Committee. Voting members at the General Assemblies shall be designated by their National Committee in accordance with Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the ICOMOS Statutes. Voting members duly nominated may give a proxy to another voting member of their National Committee. No member shall have more than four proxy votes in addition to his/her own.

To fully exercise their voting rights at the General Assemblies, National Committees must meet the following conditions: