During the Advisory Committee meeting taking place in Fukuoka, Japan, the officers of the Advisory Committee and its Scientific Council will be elected for the October 2015 – October 2018 mandate. 

Following the call for candidatures issued to National and International Scientific Committees on 3 August 2015, with a first deadline for 7 September 2015,  the first candidature dossiers received by that deadline are provided below. The final deadline for candidatures is 26 October 2015.  

Candidatures so far received (in alphabetical order) : 

Ms Sheridan Burke – President of ISC20C (ISC Twentieth Century Heritage) – standing for the post of Scientific Council officer & President of the Advisory Committee (and if not elected President, as Vice President).

Ms Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy – President of ICICH (ISC Intangible Heritage) - standing for the post of Scientific Council officer & President of the Advisory Committee (and if not elected President, as Vice President).

Mr James Reap – Secretary General of ICLAFI (ISC Legal, Administrative and Financial issues) – standing for the post of Scientific Council officer.  

Mr Lazar Shumanov – President of ICOMOS Macedonia – standing for the post of National Committee officer & President of the Advisory Committee (and if not elected President, as Vice President).