During the Advisory Committee meeting taking place in Fukuoka, Japan, the officers of the Advisory Committee and its Scientific Council will be elected for the October 2015 – October 2018 mandate. 

Following the call for candidatures issued to National and International Scientific Committees on 3 August 2015, with a first deadline for 7 September 2015,  the first candidature dossiers received by that deadline are provided below. The final deadline for candidatures is 26 October 2015.  

Below you can find the working documents for the Annual General Assembly 2015, which took place on Tuesday, 27 October 2015, between 16:00 and 18:00, in Fukuoka, Japan.

Fukuoka Tower
The 2015 Annual General Assembly and Advisory Committee took place from 26 - 29 October 2015 in Fukuoka on the invitation of ICOMOS Japan. The Annual General Assembly took place on the afternoon of 27 October only (16:00 - 18:00).

Follow the meetings remotely via internet!
For the first time, and in accordance with the resolution by the last General Assembly, ICOMOS members could follow the ICOMOS Advisory Committee and Scientific Council meetings as well as the Annual General Assembly remotely via internet. The meetings were recorded and made available via this ICOMOS webpage between 26 and 29 October 2015 only. (The videos have now been removed.) 

Image: Copyright: Dimitry B. / Flickr

ItoOur grateful thanks go to ICOMOS Japan for the perfectly organised ICOMOS Annual General Assembly and Advisory Committee which just took place in Fukuoka from 26 to 29 October 2015.

The meetings were attended overall by more than 190 participants. 38 National Committees and 22 International Scientific Committees were officially represented (not all of which could vote at the Annual General Assembly and/or Advisory Committee).

On this occasion, the Advisory Committee organized a Scientific Symposium on 29 October 2015. Part 3 of the Symposium cycle “Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: Long-Term Risk Preparedness and Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage” the theme is “Risks to Identity: Loss of Traditions and Collective Memory”.

Download the Symposium programme