h r 2016 2019 coverICOMOS Germany continues its remarkable work of monitoring endangered cultural heritage around the world. As former ICOMOS President Toshiyuki Kono pointed out at the opening of this report, "over the past 20 years, this series of publications has presented many heritage sites facing various difficulties, and has drawn the attention of a wider public to the risks caused by different types of natural disasters, destructive human activities and excessive economic development".

The ICOMOS World Report 2016-2019 on Monuments and Sites in Danger (Heritage at Risk) consists of contributions from 23 countries, among them reports from National and international Scientific Committees of ICOMOS, but also, as usual, reports by individual experts, completed by short information on the World Heritage Watch network, founded in 2014, and by press releases on the Europa Nostra programme “The Seven Most Endangered Heritage Sites in Europe” launched in 2013.

The spectrum of country contributions and cross-sectional articles ranges from forest fire hazards for cultural heritage in Australia to acute monument threats in the USA and India to endangered monasteries and cultural landscapes in Georgia or the negative consequences of Airbnb tourism for historic city centres in Europe. In addition, numerous endangered monuments from Germany, including threatened examples from Berlin, are also presented.


HERITAGE AT RISK. World Report 2016-2019 on Monuments and Sites in Danger. Machat, Christoph (ed.), Ziesemer, John (ed.) Berlin, hendrik Bäßler verlag, 2020. 173 p., illus. [Eng]

ISBN 978-3-945880-67-8

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