Andry RasoloFrom May to August 2018, ICOMOS Documentation centre welcomed M. Andry Rasolo, student at the Ecole des Bibliothécaires Documentalistes of Paris.

Emeline MOUASSEH Printps2016From March to June 2016, ICOMOS Documentation centre welcomed Ms Emeline Mouasseh, a student completing her bachelor degree in company documentationat IFA school, Mont-saint-Aignan, France.

Gche Marie BOUCHER Dte Carole Mongrenier Juin aout2015From June to August 2015, we welcomed Ms Marie BOUCHER (left) and Ms Carole MONGRENIER (right), from France, both students at Paris 8 university (France), 1st year of master in "information and documents management". 

They particularly worked on the project of the ICOMOS Photobank which is in progress.

Toussaint Yoboue avril juin2015 WEBFrom April to June 2015, we welcomed Mr. Toussaint YOBOUE, from Ivory Coast, student at the university of Bordeaux (France), completing his master degree in information and communication sciences.