For the attention of the Presidents of the ICOMOS National and International Scientific Committees

Dear ICOMOS Committees,

As you know, ICOMOS diversifies and multiplies its activities and services both to develop new funding sources for ICOMOS and to provide more opportunities and services to our members.

This is why, the Executive Committee has set up a working group on “ICOMOS Services” tasked with identifying appropriate opportunities for ICOMOS and with developing criteria on which kind of projects ICOMOS should pursue, how ICOMOS representatives in these projects are selected in a transparent manner and how to ensure adequate returns for ICOMOS under these projects. Funding guidelines are being worked on by this group and will be available in 2014.

A short non exhaustive overview of cultural heritage organisations in Europe. Last update: 15/10/2013

For more information as a member of the projects group, please log in (top right)

The ICOMOS network (composed of the International Secretariat, 95 National Committees and 27 Scientific Committees) participates to numerous international, regional and national projects in the field of cultural heritage preservation. 

More information is available for registered members (detailed projects list, context, working documents).

Projects implemented by the International Secretariat in 2013 include the following:

Project title Dates Overall Budget (share)
Euromed Heritage IV - Cultural Heritage throughout the Mediterranean region 2008 / 2013 EUR 17.000.000 (27%)
UNESCO World Heritage Convention 2012 / 2013 EUR 1.528.673 (100%)
EU Cultural Programme 2007 - 2013 2013 EUR 100.000 (100%)

To register and/or obtain a detailed list of our references, please contact Bernd Paulowitz