thumb LOGO WEB"Heritage and Landscape as Human Values"
9 - 14 November 2014, Florence, Italy

Held under the high patronage of Mr Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Italian Republic and of Ms Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, this event gathered over 1650 participants and guests from 94 countries, and saw 73 ICOMOS National Committees represented. This encourages us to consider that this important moment in the life of ICOMOS is also the foremost gathering of heritage professionals world-wide.

Outcomes of the General Assembly 

Results of the Scientific Symposium 

Main theme: Heritage and Landscape as Human Values 

1 Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation
2 Landscape as cultural habitat 
3 Sustainability through traditional knowledge 
4 Community driven conservation and local empowerment 
5 Emerging tools for conservation practice

The papers that were presented in Florence will soon be published by ICOMOS Italy in both hard and electronic format on the ICOMOS web site (ebooks with ISBN). All remaining accepted posters and contributions of registered participants will be made available electronically on the ICOMOS website.