Quebec, Canada, 29 September - 5 October 2008

Results and Documents

Summary of Results

  • PDF file [English] [French] summarizing the results of the 16th General Assembly



  • Report of the Credentials Committee
    PDF [English]
  • Results of the election of the Bureau and Executive Committee
    PDF [English/French]


  • The final and amended resolutions of the 16th ICOMOS General Assembly
    PDF: [English] [French] [Spanish]

CD-ROM of the General Assembly and Scientific Symposium

Charters and Declarations

The following Charters and Declarations were adopted at the 16th General Assembly

Other Documents

E-News from the Organizing Committee

  • E-News #8: Summary of the 16th General Assembly
    PDF: [English] [French]

Group Photo of the 16th General Assembly

Direct link to  the photo: [JPEG in .zip archive, 6.1 MB]

Complementary Documents to the CD

  • Robyn L. Burgess: Wai O Puka / Fyffe Historic Area - Transmitting the Spirit of Place
    PDF: [English, 0.1 MB]