Figures & Pictures

Photo heritage4generations FCBKLast 18 April, on International Day on Monuments and Sites, we celebrated Heritage for generations.

The Emerging Professionals Working Group coordinated the event in a spirit of intergenerational exchanges to safeguard and promote heritage. Activities were aimed at fostering fruitful intergenerational dialogue. These included, but were not limited to: conferences, training sessions, roundtables, poster campaigns, evenings with question and answer games between younger and older members professionals and non-professionals, interactive tours of heritage and other kind of sites.

6 months after D-day, we can say that the results are positive: there were 117 events in 50 countries.

The central strategy of the IDMS focused mainly on the dissemination of information on events on social networks. And it worked! ICOMOS members and friends very much shared the hashtag #heritage4generations multiple times on social networks.
It came up about 2000 times on Instagram, in around 140 tweets that were retweeted over 1.900 times, and the 24 posts related to the 18 April on ICOMOS' Facebook page were consulted 36.000 times (counting done on 16/10/2018)! 

Photo report 

Beside ICOMOS' Facebook page on which images were posted, more than 60 photographs were uploaded by Emerging professional on ICOMOS' collaborative photobank. Click on the thumbnails below to visualize them: 

 18April2018 images

Thanks to everybody for having made this IDMS a success!