meoto iwa 2018This year, the ICOMOS Advisory Committee will organise its Scientific Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand on 29 and 30 October 2022 on the theme "Religious Heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and in changing climates". 

In the context of the ICOMOS annual meetings, the ICOMOS Advisory Committee will organise its 2022 Scientific Symposium on 29 and 30 October at the Fine Arts Department Complex (Bangkok, Thailand) on the theme “Religious Heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and in changing climates”.

Religious heritage is a living heritage which greatly impacts the way people go about their daily life. The Covid-19 pandemic in particular has brought changes to patterns of worship and the use of religious heritage places, for instance due to limits in attendance numbers at ritual ceremonies, requirements for social distancing, development of on-line worship. Nevertheless, its religious and ritual significance has not diminished for communities.

Climate change and its effects – such as changing temperatures and seasonal climate patterns, floods, droughts, extreme precipitation events, unseasonal rain, snow and wind, melting glaciers – are having an impact on the conservation, protection and management of religious heritage – places of religion and ritual. Existing conservation and management plans, especially long term planning, needs to be revised. The recognition and response to these issues vary widely based on the traditions and customs of religious and/or ethnic groups.

The 2022 Scientific Symposium attempts to explore these impacts and challenges through the following sub-themes:

  1. Significance of Places of Religion and Ritual
    • The significance of places of religion and ritual is recognized in different ways across the world, according to religions, regions and ethnic groups.
    • Case studies or comparative studies on the perception of the significance of places of religion and ritual across religions, regions and ethnic groups are invited.
  1. Influence of Climate Change on the Conservation, Protection and Management of Religious Heritage
    How do communities recognize and respond to climate change across different religions and regions in the world.
    • Experiences, examples or case studies on the implementation of protection, conservation and management measures for religious heritage are invited.
  1. Changing Use and Perception of Places of Religion and Ritual following the Covid-19 pandemic
    The response to the Covid-19 pandemic has varied across countries, religions and ethnic groups affecting patterns of worship and ritual in different ways.
    • Proposals exploring such trends and their possible future development – will they continue or not after the end of the pandemic – are invited.
  1. Practice of Pilgrimage following the Covid-19 pandemic
    • How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the practice of pilgrimage and what are the long-term impacts?
  1. Reuse of Religious Heritage places
    Case studies on issues related to changes of use and original function of religious heritage places; use by a different religious group; conflict potential and management, are invited.

Guidelines for Abstracts

  1. The call for abstracts is open to ICOMOS members in priority – for group presentations, at least one presenter should be a member of ICOMOS. Abstracts should clearly explain the proposed presentation, and how it fits into the overall theme and suggested sub-theme. This Scientific Symposium will consist of in-person paper/poster presentations in Bangkok, Thailand and on-line presentations. Please clearly indicate the format you are proposing (paper/poster) and provide all the information required under item 5 below – incomplete abstracts will not be considered.
  2. Length of abstract: minimum150 words – maximum 300 words;
  3. Languages: English or French;
  4. Font: Times New Roman (size varying on item – see below);
  5. Abstract layout/Content:
    •  Chosen sub-theme and format (paper/poster) – centred at top of page in font 14 Times New Roman;
    •  Title of the proposal – centred below the subtheme/format in font 14 Times New Roman;
    •  Name of presenter(s) – in font 12 Times New Roman;
    •  University or Institutional Affiliation – in font 12 Times New Roman;
    •  Contact information (full postal address, phone numbers, fax and e-mail address) – in font 12 Times New Roman;
    •  Key words (maximum 4) – in font 12 Times New Roman;
    •  Principal presenter(s) short curriculum vitae (max. 75 words);
  6. Abstracts should be submitted as a word document by email to ScSy22[at] no later than 30 June 2022;
  7. Notifications to authors of selected abstracts: 30 August 2022;
    Confirmation of participation: 20 September 2022;
    Date for submission of presentation: 15 October 2022.

Further information on the meetings in Bangkok (registration, hotels, venue etc.) will be published in due time and accessible via the ICOMOS website.



Photo: Repainting of a temple, Bhaktapur, Nepal, November 2016 © Ronan Le Roscoet