GA19 Delhi Logo Big

We wish to thank ICOMOS India for a successful 19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in New Delhi, India from 11-15 December 2017. This event gathered approximately 1000 participants and guests from 113 countries, and saw 65 ICOMOS National Committees represented.

The General Assembly elected a new leadership comprising Mr Toshiyuki Kono (Japan) elected as President, Mr Peter Phillips (Australia) elected as Secretary General, Ms Laura Robinson (South Africa) re-elected as Treasurer General, 5 Vice-Presidents and 12 other elected members. The new Board includes representatives from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Mali, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, the United States of America and Uruguay. For the full list, click here.

The final results of the General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (Resolutions, the Delhi Declaration and the Culture-Nature Journey Statement) will be published online in early January.

The ICOMOS Crowdfunding campaign, launched in November following the sudden revocation of a 80 000 € grant for the 19th General Assembly, has to date raised over 45 000 €. It has been so successful that, the crowdfunding platform, will be showcasing it in its blog and social media. We wish to again extend our special thanks to the over 580 donors who have contributed to date. The campaign continues – and you can still make donations!


Official 19th ICOMOS General Assembly website: